AI Background Image Remover

AI Background Image Remover

POD Master AI Background Remover designed to streamline your creative process. This tool harnesses the power of AI to effortlessly remove backgrounds from images, allowing you to achieve a polished and professional look without the hassle.

There are 2 methods in POD Master to activate AI Background Remover. You can use this AI Background Remover with the help of Remove BG or Photoroom

How to Activate?

Open POD Master, go to Settings, then click on Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Slide "YES" to either Remove BG or Photoroom, then enter their API key.

How to Get Remove BG's API Key?

Locate the API Docs button. Click on it.

You will be directed to a new page specifically for API-related settings. Click on the Get API Key button.

You need to sign in first to your Remove BG account. If you don't have any, kindly sign it up for free.
After you signed in to your account, you'll be directed to the My Dashboard page. Locate the + New API Key button on the API Keys section.

Enter the key label (your API name) as you wish then click on the Create API Key.

Congratulations! You have obtained the API key from Remove BG. Kindly copy and enter that API Key to the POD Master. Finally, you've activated the AI Background Remover feature with Remove BG.

How to Get Photoroom's API Key?

Go to the following link:
Click on the Get your API key button.

You need to sign in first to your Photoroom account. If you don't have any, kindly sign it up for free.
After you signed in to your account, you'll be directed to the Photoroom API Dashboard page. Click on the Enable the Photoroom API for free button.

After that, you'll have to answer some questions from Photoroom. Photoroom stated that they need to know on how you plan to use their API. Kindly answer it. In return, you'll get their API key. Kindly copy and enter that API Key to the POD Master.
Congratulations! You've activated the AI Background Remover feature with Photoroom.

How to Use?

Click on your uploaded image that you want to remove its background. Locate the Remove BG button on the right side of toolbar in the Edit Image section. Click on it and kindly wait for the process to complete the background removing.

Congratulations! Your uploaded image has been removed from its background. Easy-peasy.

Thank you for reading! Hope this tutorial helps you. If you encounter any issues, kindly reach us anytime. Happy designing with POD Master!

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